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The STAGE Monk

Create. Evolve. Inspire.


The Stage Monk, headed by Ms. Joelene Dove and Mr. RiffRock, is an organization dedicated to providing quality professional training, as well as professional service and consultancy in the fields of performing arts, professional and personal development, voice, stage, and executive presence and much more. The Stage Monk works in close collaboration with many educational and professional organizations, and also independently, with artists, entrepreneurs, and art enthusiasts.


Some of the services we offer are:

1. Training in Professional Western contemporary music- vocal and instrumental, music production, and music composition.

2. Audio and video production, as well as pre and post-production (from scripting- shooting- editing, to songwriting- composing- arranging- mixing- mastering).

3. Consultancy for setting up performing arts training centers, as well as service pads, be it auditoriums, chroma studios, music production studios, theatre, and dance training floors.

4. Training and launching of musical artists.

5. Organizing stage shows, planning cultural events for institutions and organizations and much more.. 


The Stage Monk  is an initiative by Ms. Joelene Dove, an artist, music producer, life and emotional intelligence coach, philosopher, author and also a public speaker, voice artist and trainer, who is supported in her dream by Mr. RiffRock, a great composer, singer, guitarist, voice trainer and author who has written 6 famous bestselling books on music learning and musicians. He is also a successful voice-over artist and creative career coach.


Supporting their endeavor, The Stage Monk has a team of professionals from the fields of performing arts, architechture, engineering, academics, science and public speaking.




'The Music Monk', our music training studio, focuses, like no other in this field, in developing musical passion in young beginners and moulding and polishing amateurs in order to realize their professional dreams. It offers engaging training in small batches as well as personal one to one training for more serious learning. Music workshops are arranged from time to time for keen and passionate learners.


'The Mentoring Monk' is an initiative by The Stage Monk to take the training to the learners outside the the corporates, institutions and other privately arranged venues. The successful 'CAPTIVATE!' programme takes voice influence, executive presence, presentation and leadership training to where they're needed the the workplace of several keen learners. Life Coaching and 'Arts for Emotional Intelligence' training sessions are arranged to enhance the quality of lives of many. Career Counseling for Arts is done in the most professional way for those who look forward to having an 'artsy', fulfilling life.


The Music Monk

Professional Western Music Training


The Mentoring Monk

Mentoring, Arts Career Counseling, Personal & Professional Training

Key People

Committed to the Cause


Joelene Dove

Founder- The Stage Monk

Director- The Mentoring Monk

Managing Director- The Music Monk


Performing & Visual Artist, Vocal and Piano Coach, Author, 'Arts & EI' Trainer, Life Coach.



Co-Founder- The Stage Monk
Director- The Music Monk

Performing Artist, Vocal and Guitar Coach, Arts Career Coach, Author, Music Researcher.

From the house of 'The Stage Monk'

Latest Stories

We respect the opinions of our clients and students and try to use their requests and advise to build our programmes and workshops. You'll find us always innovating...just to suit your learning and performance requirements!


#The Music Monk #RSL Affiliation

August 24, 2019

Given the need of a formal, trust worthy education in music for music learners, 'The Music Monk', our music training division, has joined hands with the world pioneers in music education in pop and rock music, Rock School Ltd., UK (RSL Awards).  We look forward to an exciting learning experience for all involved, and thank RSL for their support and guidance!



#The Mentoring Monk's 'CAPTIVATE!'

August 26, 2019

This unique programme aims at providing training platforms to individuals, institutions and organizations for learning optimum use of voice, executive presence and presentation skills, on and off stage. These workshops are highly recommended for students, trainees and trained professionals of all fields that involve interaction with other people.

Bringing the Training to the Trainee




Voice Branding, Presentation & Executive Presence


Contact Us

Get in touch with The Stage Monk to learn more about our work and how we can help you.

Sector 107, Noida

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